350 Brooklyn
- 350 Brooklyn works to reverse climate change and achieve climate justice through local action. We promote sustainable energy, oppose the fossil fuel industry, and educate and activate our community. 350Brooklyn is a local affiliate of 350.org, a global grassroots organization.
- The intern that works with them would likely work with one or more of their committees.
- More info here: https://350brooklyn.org/get-involved/
- A longstanding alliance of labor and community organizations united for a just and sustainable New York. ALIGN works at the intersection of economy, environment, and equity to make change and build movement. Our model addresses the root causes of economic injustice by forging strategic coalitions, shaping the public debate through strategic communications, and developing policy solutions that make an impact.
- Interns to possibly assist with one of their following campaigns: Climate Works for All; NY Renews; and Transform Don’t Trash. The info on each is here: http://alignny.org/campaign/
To apply to both email morphospace@gmail.com. They will start reviewing applications April 30th.
Email Professor Menser at mmenser@brooklyn.cuny.edu for more information and other opportunities.